Parish Council

Home of the Leaning Tower

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Home of the Fig Pie Wakes

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The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday, 9th September 2024.

Everybody is welcome to attend.

Wybunbury Parish Council usually meets on the 2nd Monday of the month unless changed.

Anyone wishing to advertise on the council's 5 noticeboards should contact the clerk, Mrs Muna Clough at wybunbury.parish.council@outlook.com


If any residents are concerned about speeding traffic and would like the mobile speed indicator device temporarily locating at a particular site, please do contact the Parish Clerk at wybunbury.parish.council@outlook.com

2023 Wybunbury Parish Council Election results

Nominated CandidatesVotes CastElected
Buckingham, Stephen238Yes
Cheshire, Paul280Yes
Clark, Sandra308Yes
Denby, Debbie312Yes
Ellison-Jones, Russell220Yes
Guilliard, Kamila258Yes
Howcroft, Stuart264Yes
Lightfoot, Trevor251Yes
Owen, David180No
Pike, Martin247Yes
Thomas, Peter219Yes

Turnout = 37.47%
Rejected ballots = 15

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© 2024 – Wybunbury Parish Council